

2022-05-03 来源:品趣旅游知识分享网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The cat (short for "concatenate") command takes one or more files on its input and prints them to its output as a single file.(cat(“concatenate”的缩写)命令在其输入上接受一个或多个文件并将它们作为一个单独的文件打印到它的输出。)

2、concatenate strings instead of formatting them.(连接字符串而非格式化字符串。)

3、Use the cat (short for concatenate) command to display the contents of a file on stdout.(使用cat(concatenate的简写)命令显示文件在使用标准输出时的内容。)

4、This conversion of the date can done using concatenate excel function along with column references.(日期转换可以使用连接的Excel功能以及列引用来完成。)

5、At the end, you concatenate all of the cipher text blocks to arrive at the cipher text form of the complete plain text data.(最后,串接所有密文块以得到全部纯文本数据的密文形式。)

6、Sometimes you would like to concatenate numeric values - for example, calculating the total costs of the flight connections.(有时,您想要串联数字值,比如,计算航班中转的总成本。)

7、If you have multiple scripts that depend on each other, you'll need to concatenate them or use a different technique.(如果你有多个相互依赖的script,那么你需要合并它们,或者使用其方法。)

8、We want to concatenate all of the Initial fields from the source message into a single Initials field in the target message.(我们需要将源消息的所有Initial字段连接到目标消息中的单个Initials字段。)

9、For the no-arguments case, we take the sequence [0 1] and concatenate it to an expression.(对于没有参数的情况,我们获取序列[01]并将它连到一个表达式。)

10、Often, you need to concatenate a variable between two strings.(通常,您需要在两个字符串之间连接一个变量。)

11、Although cat is primarily used to concatenate files, you can also use it for simple automatic processing of input.(尽管cat主要用于合并文件,您还可以将它用于输入的简单自动处理。)

12、I just concatenate those together into a big get request and take a look at the "results" page.(我仅仅是将这些元素连接成一个大的GET请求并查看“results”页面。)

13、Some frameworks also allow you to "daisy-chain" traversal functions, meaning you can concatenate traversal commands to one another.(有些框架可以使用“菊花链”遍历函数,表示可以将遍历命令互相连接。)

14、It is really only necessary to concatenate first before a pipe when you use cat with one of its several filtering options.(仅当您使用带多个筛选选项之一的cat时,才真正有必要在管道前首先执行连接。)

15、To concatenate multiple String literals, use the + operator.(可以使用+操作符连接多个字符串字面值。)

16、to see trends, concatenate log files and run a processing script on the combined output.(要查看趋势,连接日志文件并在合并的输出上运行后处理程序脚本。)

17、Use cat, whose name stands for together, to concatenate files and standard input streams, as in Listing 1.(使用cat(其名称表示“连接”)来连接文件和标准输入流,如清单1所示。)

18、The essence of the benchmark (as seen in listing 1) is to take a couple of strings and concatenate them together.(这个基准测试的关键(如清单1所示)在于将大量的字符串拼接在一起。)

19、You simply concatenate the username and the password with a colon, and then Base64-encode the results.(您只需要使用冒号来连接用户名和密码,然后对结果执行Base64编码。)

20、The Concat function will concatenate two or more strings from the source into a single string value on the target side.(Concat函数将来自源的两个或多个字符串在目标端连接成一个单一的字符串值。)

21、A common reporting requirement is to concatenate data from more than one column into a single string.(一个常见的报告需求就是将数据从多个列合并到一个字符串中。)

22、With that in mind, never just concatenate text to create an SQL command.(记住,永远都不要简单地拼接文本来创建SQL命令。)

23、This requires that you concatenate the output from each step in the creation of the NSDs into one file.(这需要将创建NSD的每个步骤中的输出结果连接到一个文件中。)

24、Concatenation would concatenate the string and print it as one argument.(连接操作会首先将字符串连接在一起,然后将其作为一个参数打印。)

25、You then concatenate that result to the result of the second element's toHtml method being called, and so on.(之后再将该结果连接到第二个元素的toHtml方法的调用结果,以此类推。)

26、With replicated documents, we can use a Notes view to concatenate field values and to read them with a single lookup.(对于被复制的文档,我们可以使用一个Notes视图来拼接字段值,并使用单个查找来读取它们。)

27、The two joiner methods concatenate a List of strings together.(两个joiner方法把一系列字符串串在一起。)

28、Drag and drop the function concatenate in the middle of the mapping.(将函数concatenate拖拽到映射的中间。)

29、This method also USES the built-in concatenate function to combine two strings and return them as a single string.(此方法还使用内置的concatenate函数把两个字符串组合在一起,并将其作为单个字符串返回。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


