造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【fend off造句】内容,供您参考。
1、We will work to be more aware of risks, improve related systems, tighten debt management and fend off financial risks.(增强风险意识,完善相关制度,严格债务管理,努力防范财政风险。)
2、He says there is little else Asia can do as a region to fend off the effects of slowing global demand.(他说,除此之外,亚洲地区在抵御全球需求放慢所造成的影响方面,几乎无能为力。)
3、Attracting people dedicated (and thick-skinned) enough to fend off special interests and trolls (Internet hooligans) is tough.(吸引住人们,让他们足够热诚(足够厚脸皮),避免有人心怀不轨,也要小心网络流氓,这绝非易事。)
4、She has been trying to fend off an attacker who has come at her, slashing in a frenzied manner with a knife or possibly a sword.(她曾试图避开朝她飞来的矛,用一把小刀或是一只剑疯狂的猛砍。)
5、Spain did everything it could to fend off E.ON, prompting the European Commission to intervene.(西班牙竭尽全力,还促使欧盟委员会出面干预来打消E.ON公司的收购意图。)
6、Now he will have to fend off some tough rivals — and tough criticism — to make that vision a reality.(现在他要做的是打败一些强有力的竞争对手,回应一些严厉的批评,来使得那个远景成为现实。)
7、With a stronger hardware business it can fend off HP in the marketplace.(有了一个更强有力的硬件业务,它就可以在市场上抵御住惠普。)
8、The Federal Reserve began raising rates to fend off inflation.(联邦储备委员会开始提高利率以防止通货膨胀。)
9、It was an extremely cheap place to fend off hunger.(它不过是一个极其便宜的打发饥饿的地方。)
10、Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar's pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me.(现在许多年过去了,但是一个情景却一直萦绕脑海,我拿着一个乞丐的棍子努力的赶走一群狂叫的狗。)
11、The Web versions are Microsoft's attempt to fend off a growing number of free Web-based office apps, including Google Docs and Zoho.(在该版本内微软尝试从日益增长的在线office应用,包括google的Docs和Zoho,从当中分一杯羹。)
12、Echoing the best traditions of "Tom and Jerry", the mouse remains undaunted and even raises a paw to fend off his larger foe.(老鼠要继承和发扬自己的先辈在《汤姆和杰瑞》中的光荣传统,它立刻摆出一副无所畏惧的架势,甚至举起爪子去袭击比它更大的对手。)
13、This simple trick helps you fend off malicious script injections.(这种简单的技巧有助于避免恶意的脚本注入。)
14、Saudi Arabia can fend off the oil majors' demands because it has enough experts of its own.(沙特阿拉伯可以应付大型石油公司的需求,因为该国拥有自己培养的足够专家。)
15、Healthy trees are also better able to fend off bark beetle.(健康的树木也能更好地抵御树皮甲虫。)
16、traders are betting the fed will have to soon fend off that pressure.(交易者押注美联储很快将不得不规避这种压力。)
17、Still, the two companies continue to talk, knowing full well that an alliance could help them fend off a common enemy.(不过双方的磋商仍在继续,因为他们都清楚,结盟有助于对付共同的竞争对手谷歌。)
18、At least then they will be able to fend off hunger as best they know how.(至少他们知道最好该怎么做,他们才能挡住饥饿。)
19、Her response will be to try to preserve her popularity but fend off pressure for policies she sees as economically senseless.(反观默克尔夫人,她的反应则是尽力维持支持率但她认为抵挡压力的政策没有经济上的意义。)
20、Considering the verbal contortions the prime minister generally employs to fend off criticism, that seems unlikely.(但想想首相应对批评时往往用语言扭曲事实,他这么做的可能性就微乎其微了。)
21、They are also better able to fend off parasites.(他们抵御寄生虫的能力更强。)
22、So no, crossword puzzles probably won't fend off senility 9.(所以,纵横填字也许并不能阻止衰老。)
23、She managed to fend off questions about new tax increases.(她设法避开了关于新增赋税的问题。)
24、Young people want to go Duanbei, Buddhism and fend off a round, and bring water bottles into the boiling water line.(年轻人想要去端杯,释圆挡开,又提起水壶注入一线沸水。)
25、He raised his hand to fend off the blow.(他抬起手挡住了那一击。)
26、Accruent helps them build more rationally, find cheaper leases and fend off landlords who try to overcharge for extras.(Accruent帮助它们更理性地建造,寻找更便宜的房租,防止房东过多收取费用。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。