造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、More efficient photosynthesis means less evaporation from croplands.(更高效的光合作用效率着农田蒸发的减少。)
2、When the photosynthesis of the plants slows, sugar stored in the fruits is drawn off to supply the plants with energy.(当植物的光合作用减缓时,储存在水果中的糖被抽取出来为植物提供能量。)
3、In other words, lets carnivorous plants do what all plants do: carry out photosynthesis, that is, grow by harnessing energy directly from the sun.(换句话说,让食肉植物做所有植物都做的事:进行光合作用,也就是通过直接利用来自太阳的能量来进行生长。)
4、In Earth's early days, all over the planet countless photosynthetic bacteria performed photosynthesis.(在地球早期,整个星球上有无数的光合细菌在进行光合作用。)
5、The optimal temperature for photosynthesis is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.(光合作用的最适温度为20至25摄氏度。)
6、photosynthesis creates plant matter out of carbon dioxide and water.(光合作用把二氧化碳和水转化成植物生长所需物质。)
7、The plant on top would absorb most of the red light for photosynthesis, but reflect most of the far-red light.(顶部的植物会吸收大部分的红光进行光合作用,但反射大部分的远红光。)
8、Airborne soot and dirt from the impact blanketed Earth, inhibiting photosynthesis and triggering mass extinction of species.(撞击产生的烟尘和灰尘覆盖了地球,抑制了光合作用,引发了物种的大规模灭绝。)
9、photosynthesis shuts down, halting the production of chlorophyll in leaves.(它们关闭了光合作用,减少了树叶中叶绿素的产量。)
10、Cells, enzymes, photosynthesis - soon we'll be remaking life our own way.(细胞、酶、光合作用—人类很快就会按照自己的意志创造新的生命。)
11、The crown is the source of oxygen, worker of the magic of photosynthesis.(树冠是氧的来源,是神奇光合作用的制造者。)
12、There are signs that intracellular algae may be directly providing the products of photosynthesis to the salamander cells that encapsulate them.(有迹象表明,细胞内的藻类可能直接向封装它们的蝾螈细胞提供光合作用的产物。)
13、When a plant absorbs light for performing photosynthesis, it only absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others.(当植物吸收光进行光合作用时,它只吸收某些波长的光,并反射其他波长的光。)
14、I didn't explain how different wavelengths of light affect photosynthesis.(我没有解释不同波长的光如何影响光合作用。)
15、Bacteria that used oxygen produced by photosynthesis further altered the atmosphere to what we find today.(有的细菌利用光合作用所产生的氧气,进一步改变了大气层,使其成为今天的样子。)
16、The vegetation index is a reflection of photosynthesis.(“植被指数”是对光合作用强度的反映。)
17、Now I need to mention another thing about photosynthesis.(现在我需要提到关于光合作用的另一点。)
18、With lastingness of infection, the productive rate of reactive oxygen species decreased gradually, and photosynthesis also weakened.(随着感染时间的不断延长,活性氧的产生速率逐渐降低,同时光合作用逐渐减弱。)
19、The algae capture the sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in organic molecules.(藻类通过光合作用吸收太阳能,并将其储存在有机分子中。)
20、Plants absorb solar energy during photosynthesis.(植物通过光合作用(photosynthesis)吸收太阳能。)
21、It follows that melon plants have a lower-than-usual rate of photosynthesis when their roots are in rain-soaked soil.(因此,当瓜类植物的根在雨水浸湿的土壤中时,它们的光合作用率低于通常水平。)
22、Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling vent would dwarf any contribution from advection.(大多数深海动物依靠颗粒物质作为食物,这些颗粒物质最终来自于光和作用,下降的排放口会使平流的作用相形见绌。)
23、Last time we talked about photosynthesis, the process by which plants use light to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.(上次我们讨论了光合作用,即植物利用光将二氧化碳和水转化为食物的过程。)
24、All earthly plants use CO2 for photosynthesis.(所有的地球植物都需要二氧化碳进行光合作用。)
25、A pitcher or a flytrap cannot carry out much photosynthesis because, unlike plants with ordinary leaves, they do not have flat solar panels that can grab lots of sunlight.(猪笼草或捕蝇草不能进行太多光合作用,因为和普通植物的叶子不一样,它们没有能接受太阳能的平台,来吸收大量阳光。)
26、For many trees—evergreen conifers being an exception—the best strategy is to abandon photosynthesis until the spring.(对于许多树木来说——常绿的针叶树是一个例外——最好的策略是在春天之前放弃光合作用。)
27、it captures the energy which plants produce during photosynthesis—a process of converting sunlight into energy.(它捕捉植物在光合作用过程中产生的能量,这是一个将阳光转化为能量的过程。)
28、But, unlike sunlight, the light from these LEDs did not support photosynthesis.(但是,与阳光不同的是,这些发光二极管发出的光不支持光合作用。)
29、The reduced level of photosynthesis led to a massive decline in plant life of all kinds, and this caused massive starvation first of herbivores and subsequently of carnivores.(光合作用减弱导致各种植物大规模减少,进而这首先会使大规模的食草动物饿死,随后就是食肉动物。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。