n.(名词)- 姿势,姿态,样子
- 态度,看法;意见,倾向,意向,心向
- 敌视态度
- (戏剧表演时的)身段,表演姿势
- 【军】飞行姿态
- 鹤立式(芭蕾舞的一个姿势)
- 我行我素的作派
n.(名词)- [C]态度,看法 way of thinking or behaving
- [C]姿态,姿势 a position of the body; posture
1. 看法:有能力跨越阻碍,有耐心和技巧来指导和控制一些有很强能力和很情绪化的员工; 公司的基本素质层面 4、健全的运行机制; 5、合理规模的收入; 6、足够的财务资源; 具备了以上条件,这家公司成功的高度将由领导者的看法(attitude)和能力(abili
2. attitude
2. 心態:二、业务人员基本素质要求专业销售人才不是天生的,是训练出来的,知识(Knowledge)、心态(Attitude)、技巧(Skills)、习惯(Habit)构成了一个优秀的业务员必备的基本素质条件.
We must maintain a firm attitude.
She shows a very positive attitude to her work.
He has a mellow attitude to life.
As you get older, your attitude towards death changes.
They sat around in easy attitude.
- His attitude has softened.
他的态度软了下来。 - Attitudes are beginning to change.
人们的态度开始变了。 - McPherson's general attitude suggested that he regarded me as an upstart.
麦克弗森总的态度表明,他认为我是一个暴发户。 - I don't like your attitude.
我不喜欢你的态度。 - I don't care what attitude you take.
我不管你采取什么态度。 - I dislike her unfriendly attitude.
我不喜欢她不友好的态度。 - He assumes a firm attitude.
他采取坚决的态度。 - I resented his attitude.
我对他的态度感到愤慨。 - They maintained an uncertain attitude.
他们持一种暧昧的态度。 - The young man,striking a theatrical attitude,read aloud a poem by Shakespeare.
那个年轻人做戏似地朗读了莎士比亚的一首诗。 - Such an attitude as exhibited by him shows a lack of consideration of others.
他表现出这样一种态度,说明他不关心别人。 - The teacher is angry at the poor attitudes of the students.
老师对学生的恶劣态度很生气。 - He seems to have undergone a change in attitude recently, and has become much more cooperative.
他的态度近来似乎发生了转变,现在很愿意合作。 - As she went into the room,she saw toys lying in tumbled attitude on the floor.
她走进房间便看见地板上乱七八糟的玩具。 - He sat there in a listening attitude.
他坐在那里,静静地听着。 - They sat around in easy attitudes.
他们以轻松自在的姿势坐在四周。 - The artist painted the model in various attitudes.
美术家画模特儿的各种姿态。 - He stood there in an attitude of despair.
他绝望地站在那里。 - She lay sprawled across the sofa, in an attitude of complete abandon.
她伸腿撂胳膊地躺在沙发上,完全是一副无拘无束的姿势。 - The photographer caught her in the attitude of prayer.
摄影师捕捉了她祈祷的姿势。 - In the photo she stands in the attitude of a sailor looking afar.
在照片中,她的姿势是水手伫立远望。 - She received guests with a respectful attitude.
~+ prep. -phrase- She has no reason to change her attitude about him.
她没有理由改变她对他的态度。 - They took an attitude of readiness for combat.
他们采取了准备战斗的姿态。 - We should adopt an attitude of persuasion towards him.
我们对他应该采取规劝的态度。 - He stuck an attitude of offended dignity and marched out of the room.
他装出一副被冒犯了尊严的样子,气冲冲地走出房间。 - Her attitude on the subject has undergone no modification.
她对这一问题的看法没有改变。 - I realized that my attitudes, almost all my attitudes on these matters were completely wrong.
我认识到我对这些问题所抱的态度,几乎所有态度都完全错了。 - What's your attitude to this idea?
你对这个意见有何看法? - He shows a very positive attitude to his work.
他的工作态度非常积极。 - Have you noticed a great change in his attitude to this matter?
你注意到他对这个问题的态度已有了很大的变化吗? - The government's attitude to the refugees is no sympathetic.
政府对难民并不持同情态度。 - Her attitude to me changed.
她改变了对我的看法。 - She has a good attitude towards work;she's always cheerful.
她有良好的工作态度;她总是高高兴兴的。 - Attitudes towards body wastes vary from fussy distaste to a belief that such substances may possess magical or curative powers.
~+that-clause- She took the attitude that acting was a sort of recreation.
- with attitude
惹人注意的,醒目的 unusual in a way that attracts attention
n.(名词)- attitude,pose,posture
- 这组词的共同含义是指身体做出的姿势或身体各部分彼此相关的排列姿态。其区别是:
- attitude常指因特殊心情造成的下意识或故意做出的姿态;posture多指习惯性的或特有的姿势,有时含体态或举止之意,posture在有其他词限制、修饰或有上下文表明目的或意图时也可指根据心情或时间的需要而确定的姿势;pose主要指为达到某种效果有意识做出的姿势,如果是无意识的,则能给观看的人以深刻印象或做作感。
- attitude, policy, position, posture, stand
- 这五个词的共同意思是“立场”“态度”。其区别在于:stand用于表明某人的观点、立场时常用个人感情色彩,虽然它并不排除这种感情是建立在理智或理性基础之上的; attitude表示个人或团体的感情色彩,而这种感情往往是不明说的或不明确的; policy指某人估计其要求、利益、目标或原则之后而制定的一种明确的信念结构形式,也可指行为的一般准则; position则指较冷静和克制的态度,经常用于指人在经过长时间的深思熟虑之后作出的决定; posture指确切的军事部署。例如:
- In the temperance question,Mr. Dent takes his stand on total abstinence.在戒酒问题上,登特先生是采取滴酒不沾的立场的。
- His attitude towards her amounted to loathing.他对她的态度简直就是厌恶。
- My position on civil liberties is well known.我对人权自由的立场是众所周知的。
- It's a bad policy to lend money to unemployed friends.把钱借给失业的朋友是不太聪明的做法。
- The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.政府在独立这一问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。
- attitude,air,manner
- 这些名词均含“态度、风度”之意。
- attitude普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。
- air含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。
- manner多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。
- stand,attitude,position
- 这些名词均含“态度、立场”之意。
- stand常指某人对某一问题的看法或立场,有时含个人感情色彩。
- attitude普通用词,指对于事情的看法和采取的行动,多带不很显确或不便说明的感情色彩。
- position指对看法有分歧的问题所表示较冷静和节制的态度,常常是经认真考虑后决定的。
attorney、attire、Attitudes、attitude to、attitude of、attitude jet、attitude bar、attitude hold、attitude line、attitude poll、attitude bias、attitude data