专利名称:System and method for initial
synchronization of steering wheel and roadwheels in a steer-by-wire system
发明人:Yixin Yao,Behrouz Ashrafi申请号:US10444335申请日:20030523
摘要:The present invention involves a method for initial synchronization of steeringwheel and a road wheels in a steer-by-wire system of a vehicle when the system is first
powered. The method includes providing a steering wheel control system and a roadwheel control system. The method further includes sensing relative angles and theabsolute angles of the steering wheel, road wheel, and right road wheel. The methodfurther includes generating an augmented steering wheel angle, an augmented left roadwheel angle, and an augmented right road wheel angle based on the relative angle andinitial value of the absolute angles of the steering wheel and road wheels. The methodfurther includes using the augmented steering wheel angle as a feedback signal to thesteering wheel control system and the augmented left and right road wheel anglesfeedback signals to the road wheels control system. The method further includescontrolling the steering wheel and the road wheels to perform initial synchronization ofthe steering wheel and the road wheels, thereby allowing the vehicle to be operableduring the initial synchronization.