专利名称:VACCINE FOR IN OVO INOCULATION发明人:Ohta Hideyuki,Shinsuke Ezoe,Kenichi
Yamazaki,Toru Kawai
摘要:A purpose of the present invention is to provide a vaccine for in ovo inoculationeffective for prevention of any fowl viral diseases. A fowl vaccine for in ovo inoculationwith high efficacy in view of safety as well wherein, by holding such live viruses on a virus-adsorbing agent through adsorption that have been difficult for practical usage as avaccine for in ovo inoculation, viral growth in embryonated chicken eggs after in ovoinoculation is retarded to thereby reduce pathogenicity of the viruses to embryo to avoidreduction in hatching rate and to alleviate severity in clinical symptoms after hatching. Avirus-adsorbing agent to be used in the vaccine includes an aluminum compound such asaluminum hydroxide gel, potassium alum and the like.
申请人:Ohta Hideyuki,Shinsuke Ezoe,Kenichi Yamazaki,Toru Kawai
地址:Kumamoto-ken JP,Kumamoto-ken JP,Kumamoto-ken JP,Kumamoto-ken JP