Photo ICPNA4611M Series(PNA4611M/4612M/4613M/4614M/4620M)Bipolar Integrated Circuit with Photodetection FunctionFor infrared remote control systems Features8.0±0.25.2Not soldered 1.5 7.0± : mm5.25±0.3High sensitivity (extension distance is 11 m or more)External parts not requiredResin to cutoff visible light is usedSupports various metal holders with improved electromagneticnoise resistanceR2.25±0.15˚±0.13-1.5±0.23-0.5+0.2–0.151.0±0.10.45±0.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25˚C)ParameterPower supply voltagePower dissipationOperating ambient temperatureStorage temperatureSymbolVCCPDToprTstgRatings– 0.5 to +7200–20 to +75– 40 to +100UnitVmW˚C˚C1: VOUT2: GND3: VCC1232-2.54 Main Characteristics (Ta = 25˚C VCC = 5V)ParameterOperating supply voltageCurrent consumptionMaximum reception distanceLow-level output voltageHigh-level output voltageLow-level pulse widthHigh-level pulse widthPNA4611MPNA4612MCarrier frequencyPNA4613MPNA4614MPNA4620MNote 1) Fig.1 burst wave, L=Lmax, 16 pulsesNote 2) Fig.2 continuous wave, L ≤ LmaxNote 3) Light shut off conditionSymbolVCCICCLmaxVOLVOHTWLTWHNote 3Note 1Note 2Note 3Note 1Note 1Conditions22.0 min. min4.71.8114.8200200typ5.02.4160.355.040040036.738.0max5.33.00.5VCC600600f040.056.933.3Carrier wave : f0Carrier wave : f0400µs400µsFig.1Fig.25˚5˚5˚UnitVmAmVVµsµskHz1
Photo ICPNA4611M, PNA4612M, PNA4613M, PNA4614M, PNA4620MType YA7.62-2.546.54.0Unit : mmType YB7.62-2.545Unit : mm3-ø0.92-2.4×1.43-ø0.82-2.4×1.4Recommendation hole location of P.C.board7.63.82.2510.35(8.1)7.6R1.08.5Recommendation hole location of P.C.board2.2515.713.4512.–0.153-0.5+0.25–0.152-2.54(2.1) VO2: GND3: VCC21.412.918.3(7.4)7.41233-0.5±0.22-2.54(6.8)±0.22.35(5.5)2.0R1.07.01: VO2: GND3: VCC1.0Type XB1237.310.458.75Unit : mm2-3.752-1.7×1.23-ø0.92-2.54Recommendation hole location of P.C.boardType XD7.8123(3.6)5.9Unit : mm2-1.8×1.23-ø0.96.52-2.54Recommendation hole location of P.C.board7.6(6.9)–0.15(9.6)(11.3)(9.7)3.7±–0.150.62-2.541: VO2: GND3: VCC8.84.851.02-2.543. VO2: GND3: VCCType HB2.0± : mm2-2.2×1.20.453-ø0.92-2.544.41230.8×2.2Recommendation hole location of P.C.board(3.15)±–0.15(6.9)3.7±–0.152-2.54(9.83)8.71: VO2: GND3: VCCNote :Tolerance unless otherwise specified is ±0.5.2
PNA4611M, PNA4612M, PNA4613M, PNA4614M, PNA4620MPhoto IC Block Diagram(20kΩ)amplifierAGCB.P.FdemodulatorcomparatorVCCRLVOPDconstant voltagepeak holdintegratorGND Panasonic Transmitter Specifications LED Transmission unit Standard reception unit10kΩPNZ323B10µF20cm10kΩV out 55mVV out10kΩGND10V The light output of the LED transmission unit is adjusted so that the transmission output (V out) of the standardreception unit will be 55 mV when the transmission waveform (duty = 50%) is output from the LED transmis-sion unit. Here, infrared sensitivity (SIR) of PNZ323B is 0.53 µA when emission illuminance (H) is 12.45 µW/cm2. The maximum reception distance under these specifications is an assurance that TWH and TWL values will bewithin the tolerance ranges when 16 consecutive pulses of an optical output equivalent to the maximum recep-tion distance are transmitted by the above transmission unit (The maximum reception distance is measured inthe dark without external disturbance noise.)3
Photo ICPNA4611M, PNA4612M, PNA4613M, PNA4614M, PNA4620ML max — Ta120100B.P.F frequency characteristics(PNA4612M)*Spectral sensitivity characteristics100 Relative reception distance L max (%)100Relative sensitivity S (%)8060Relative sensitivity S (%)3537394143808060604040402020200– 20VCC = 5VTransmitter : Standard LED Transmission unit used0204060801000330600700800900100011001200Ambient temperature Ta (˚C )Carrier frequency (kHz)* The peaks for PNA4611M, PNA4613M, Wavelength λ (nm) PNA4614M, and PNA4620M are all at f0.Directivity characteristics0˚10˚20˚1009080706050403020 Relative reception distance (%)30˚40˚50˚60˚70˚80˚90˚4
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